Golf for Life: Video 1 of 4
by Teaching Professional, Jonathan Dudley
Correct Posture for maximum efficiency
1. Weights in your feet and stuck with you arms
2. Use a club to adjust your body and find the right feel
3. Check your Balance Line
Weights in your feet and stuck with you arms
Many amateurs have a tendency to “anchor” themselves to the ground promoting more weight in the heels of their feet rather than just below the toes and above the balls of their feet. This can really “destroy” agility in the golf swing and inefficiency with your upper body rotation as your arms are now “trapped” and not free to swing.
Use a club to adjust your body and find the right feel
In the video you can see how a simple drill using a club of your choice can give you instant feedback and give you a guide for correct posture. Remember, it is important to have as much of your spine, neck and head against the shaft when you begin this drill. Then, relax the neck, bend at the waist and slightly bend your knees. The “correct feel” places your weight and body in a very athletic position.
Check your Balance Line
As a double check you can use a mirror or have a friend hold a club behind your shoulder blades and see if the back of your shoulder blades, front of your knees and balls of your feet form a straight line. This does not have to be perfect, but it should serve as a good guide giving you an awareness of your new athletic posture.